Bringing Moe the Manatee Back to Life – Manatee Center
Explore Moe the Manatee’s revival at Fort Pierce’s Manatee Center. Discover his history, his role in conservation, and exciting comeback!
Training to Become a Racing Mascot
Have you been given the chance to race as a racing mascot? This blog will tell you everything you need to know to get that 1st place trophy. Let the training begin!
Our Top 5 Craziest Mascot Creations
We’ve been in the mascot business for over 45 years. These are the Top 5 craziest mascots we’ve ever made!
A Southwest Side Story
One of the coolest things about Olympus’ refurbishment department is that we see mascots from all across the globe. However, the mascots in this story are from a company that makes travel possible in the first place, Southwest Airlines.
Your First Time as a Mascot
Preparing to be a mascot for the first time? We’ve got your back! This Q&A focuses on the common concerns of first time mascot performers.
Where to Find a Mascot Performer
Looking to hire a mascot performer to perform inside your mascot costume? We’ve compiled a list of places to find quality mascot talent for all budget, frequency, and performance levels!
The Story of the West Iron Wykon
The Wykon is turning small town dreams into big time fun! Follow West Iron Public Schools as they turn their historic logo into a real life mascot.
Mascots and Weather
Mascots love the outdoors! However, some weather conditions are better for them than others. This blog explores the relationship between mascots and weather!
Paying Tribute to A Mascot Superstar
Doris Fugate of Waco, Texas is a legend in the mascot industry. We got the chance to refurbish one of her greatest mascot creations!