Three mascot feet lined up in a row

Mascot Feet: Putting Your Best Foot Forward

Have you ever seen a mascot wearing a full costume and then tennis shoes on its feet? It ruins the illusion, right? Instead of looking like Toucan Sam, your performer ends up looking like a person wearing a toucan costume – and no one wants that. Mascot branding is super important to a mascot’s (and your brand’s) identity and having every piece of the costume fit together is a large portion of that. Completing your custom mascot costume with mascot feet helps your performer get into character and starts your brand off on the right foot. 

Overview of Mascot Feet


There are two main structures of mascot feet – slippers and footgear. Slippers are worn with stockinged feet and are easy to remove and wash, whereas footgear is secured to the performer’s foot or shoe with straps. Mascot feet are traditionally made from a tempo material, which is nylon and foam. 

Depending on what the body of your mascot looks like, there are many different feet options to choose from. There are bird feet, hooves, and paws, to name a few. Bird feet are typically continuous and attach to the jumpsuit inside the mascot costume. Bird feet can also have 2D or 3D claws and almost always have footgear or adjustable straps inside to help with the fit. Depending on the length, claws can make it more difficult for your performer to walk around. Hooves and paws are similar in structure, both having divots cut into the normal mascot feet shape. You won’t see the divots on paws because they are covered in fur. 

Much like feet, there are many different mascot shoe options, from cowboy boots to sneakers to pirate boots. Usually, all shoe options are made with the standard foam shape and styled to fit your mascot’s appearance. Be prepared to go with the common shoe design and from that modify the colors and add logos to fit your brand. 

close up shot of mascot footgear

Mascot footgear

close up shot of mascot slippers

Mascot slippers

Wear and tear

All mascot feet have thick rubber soling on the bottom to help reduce wear and tear – mascot feet endure a lot of that. While feet are essential to completing your mascot’s look, they need to be replaced more often than other accessories due to how often they are being used. It is recommended to purchase a backup pair of feet so that you don’t need to purchase as often. 


Standard mascot shoes can range from $465 to $765+. Shoes that require a custom pattern tend to be on the pricier side, ranging from $875 to $1,000+. When you consider that the average custom mascot costume costs between $4,500 to $7,500+, it puts this pricing into perspective. Customizations to the standard shoes, such as claws, logos, or stripes, costs between $25 to $100+. 


Mascot feet are traditionally slightly oversized to match the cartoon-like appearance of the rest of the costume. Most mascot slippers will accommodate about a men’s size 10-11. Performers with smaller-sized feet can improve the fit of mascot shoes with the help of footgear and the foam inside conforming to their feet. If your mascot costume is going to be worn by someone with smaller feet, make sure you talk to your salesperson about additions needed to ensure the mascot feet fit. 

Best mascot Feet for mascot Performers

To help your performer put their best foot forward, they must have the right kind of mascot feet. Balancing mascot design and functionality can be a tricky part of the mascot design process. While your may want your mascot to have large, oversized feet, that may not be possible. Here are some things to consider when designing your mascot feet: 

  • Is your mascot going to be super athletic and perform lots of stunts? Make sure footgear and straps are included in the mascot feet so that the shoes don’t go flying when performing. To get an even better fit, some performers will send in their personal tennis shoes to cement into the mascot shoe – guaranteeing a near-perfect fit every time. 
  • Is your mascot going to be doing a lot of walking around? Don’t design a shoe larger than 14 inches long. Anything bigger and your mascot will have a hard time walking instead of standing tall and proud. 
  • Is your mascot costume larger than life? Make your mascot feet oversized and cartoonish to complete the look. Anything else and your audience won’t believe in your character. 
  • Is your mascot performer going to be outside a lot? Make sure they lift their feet when walking so the fur of the costume doesn’t get dirty. If there are puddles or it is wet outside, consider not using the mascot feet as they are not meant to get wet. Getting your mascot feet wet can lead to the feet becoming irreparable and your company needing to purchase a new pair. 
Looking for other tips for mascot performers? Check out this blog

More mascot Accessories!

Decided what kind of mascot feet to go with but your costume still feels incomplete? Check out some other mascot accessories to consider: 

  • Outfits. If your mascot is going to be making lots of appearances in your community, consider changing up their style with customizable outfits! 
  • Cooling accessories. Even if your mascot isn’t performing in high temperatures, the inside of the costume is going to get hot. Consider purchasing cooling fans or vests for your costume. 
  • Props. Want your mascot to have more dimension? Purchase a prop to help them show off their personality when performing. Some prop ideas include swords, shields, purses, or baseball bats. 
Check out this blog for more mascot accessory ideas!


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